Yikes! Kamala Harris Has Said a Lot of Weird Things

lev radin / shutterstock.com
lev radin / shutterstock.comWhile the mainstream media continues their love affair with Kamala Harris, we’re here to point out that she’s said quite a few odd and confusing things since she’s taken office as VP. She shouldn’t even be allowed to run for president considering how she failed as VP, but let’s let her quotes speak for themselves. […]

Are You Getting a Good Night’s Sleep?

Lysenko Andrii / shutterstock.com
Lysenko Andrii / shutterstock.comSleep is essential for overall health and well-being. It is crucial in various bodily functions, including physical and mental health, cognitive function, and emotional well-being. During sleep, the body undergoes processes essential for healing and restoration while the brain consolidates memories and processes information. Furthermore, adequate sleep is vital for proper immune function, metabolism, and […]

Backfire: Tim Walz Pretends to Buy Donuts from Shop That He Permanently Closed

Shutterstock.comThe media made a big deal out of JD Vance buying donuts during a campaign stop in Georgia a few days ago. Not to be outdone, ace political expert Tim Walz—who is totally not weird—decided to prove to the world that he can buy donuts too. Take that, JD Vance! Wait, what was the purpose […]

WATCH: Kamala Harris Wants to Fight Inflation with Debt

lev radin / shutterstock.com
lev radin / shutterstock.comTry to make sense of this. Kamala will fight inflation with about $2 trillion in national debt. Watch now:

Korean Tyrant’s Ruthless Response: Officials Executed Over Flood Failures

Alexander Khitrov / shutterstock.com
Alexander Khitrov / shutterstock.comIn yet another display of brutal authoritarianism, reports out of Seoul suggest that North Korean despot Kim Jong Un has orchestrated the executions of up to 30 high-ranking government officials following the disastrous summer floods that ravaged the country. According to sources cited by TV Chosun, an astonishing 20-30 senior bureaucrats (“cadres”) responsible for overseeing […]

Texas to Take Over 2024 Election in Harris County Because of Repeated Democrat Fraud

LisaChi / shutterstock.com
LisaChi / shutterstock.comDemocrats in Harris County, TX, have repeatedly refused to follow state election laws. There have been continuous election “irregularities” that keep happening in the county, which would not be happening if the Democrats would simply obey the law. As a result of constant election cheating, the Texas Secretary of State’s office has finally had enough. […]

Drought-Stricken Namibia Turns to Culling Wild Animals Amid Humanitarian Crisis

Daddy Faig / shutterstock.com
Daddy Faig / shutterstock.comAs southern Africa faces its worst drought in centuries, the small nation of Namibia has taken drastic measures to feed its starving populace: slaughtering hundreds of wild animals, including hippos, elephants, and antelopes, to put protein-rich meat on tables. According to the United Nations, this desperate move comes amidst a “humanitarian crisis we’ve never spoken […]

Internal Polling from Both Campaigns Shows Harris Trailing in Pennsylvania

Rokas Tenys / shutterstock.com
Rokas Tenys / shutterstock.comIt’s hard to tell what’s happening in the presidential election this year since the fake news media has become the full-blown propaganda wing of the Democrat Party. Is Kamala Harris as popular as they keep telling us? That would be odd because just a few weeks ago, more than 60% of Democrats said Kamala should […]

BREAKING: Outbreak Alert Issued After 21 Cases of Mysterious Virus Reported Among US Travelers Returning From Communist Island Nation

Saiful52 / shutterstock.com
Saiful52 / shutterstock.comIn yet another alarming development highlighting the porous nature of our national borders and inadequate global healthcare infrastructure, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed yesterday that at least 21 American citizens contracted the obscure Oropouche virus while traveling abroad – specifically, to communist-run Cuba. According to officials, these individuals likely fell victim […]

WATCH: Even a SCOTUS Justice Thinks We Have Too Many Laws

Shutterstock.comChief Justice Gorsuch just wrote a book — and he takes a surprising approach because of saying that there are too many laws. Watch:

Trump Vows to Take Action on Border Security, Slams Biden Administration

noamgalai / shutterstock.com
noamgalai / shutterstock.comIn a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona, former President Donald Trump reiterated his commitment to securing the nation’s borders and criticized the Biden administration for its handling of the issue. During an interview with NBC News, Trump emphasized that deporting undocumented immigrants is not only necessary but also cost-effective. “It’ll cost trillions of […]

Harris Clears Out Restaurant for Fake Fans—Because Real Ones Don’t Exist?

Sir. David / shutterstock.com
Sir. David / shutterstock.comJust when you thought Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign couldn’t get any more cringe, they’ve gone and found a way to outdo themselves. This latest blunder comes straight from the political trenches of Pennsylvania, where Harris was desperately trying to woo some undecided voters. But, in typical Harris fashion, she might’ve done the opposite—sending those […]

AOC’s Fake Accent Routine Hits New Lows

Ron Adar / shutterstock.com
Ron Adar / shutterstock.comAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez took the stage at the Democratic National Convention, and, in true fashion, left us scratching our heads—this time with a baffling new accent. You’d think a politician who’s constantly in the spotlight would have her act together, but apparently, that’s too much to ask. During her speech in Chicago, she bizarrely altered her […]

Would Harris-Walz Improve or Worsen the Economy?

lev radin / shutterstock.com
lev radin / shutterstock.comIf Kamala Harris and Tim Walz win the election, they could continue down the same route that Biden has led the country or make some changes that will fix “Bidenomics.” Let us know what you think; take this poll: Can’t see the poll? Click HERE.

Tax-Free Tips: It’s the Issue Trump and Harris Agree On

Shutterstock.comTax-free tips sounds great if you’re in the hospitality industry — but for the rest of us, it has us wondering why one industry gets to enjoy a tax-free income while the rest of us pay excessive amounts to the federal government. Trump and Harris have both promised to make tips tax-free, but could it […]

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