AOC’s Fake Accent Routine Hits New Lows

Ron Adar /
Ron Adar /

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took the stage at the Democratic National Convention, and, in true fashion, left us scratching our heads—this time with a baffling new accent. You’d think a politician who’s constantly in the spotlight would have her act together, but apparently, that’s too much to ask. During her speech in Chicago, she bizarrely altered her voice while attacking Donald Trump and praising Kamala Harris. The media, as usual, lapped it up without question.

AOC, who never misses an opportunity to pander to the masses, went on a seven-minute rant that got plenty of applause. But when she got to the part about “a two-bit union buster” and the woman “who fights every single day to lift working people,” she suddenly morphed into someone else. The way she dragged out the word “life” made many conservatives wonder what on earth she was trying to pull.

Critics were quick to point out the absurdity of AOC’s claims that Trump only cares about the wealthy, while conveniently ignoring that the Democratic Party is the darling of Hollywood elites, mega-corporations, and millionaire athletes. The irony was lost on her, as she continued her act, seemingly unaware, or perhaps uncaring of how ridiculous she sounded.

This isn’t the first time Ocasio-Cortez has been accused of putting on a show with her speech. In 2023, she was slammed for using a Southern drawl at a civil rights event, trying to pass off as someone who’s just “one of the folks.” Her attempts to connect with different audiences by altering her accent have earned her more than a few raised eyebrows and accusations of pandering. Yet, here she is again, doubling down on the act as if no one would notice.

Of course, when called out, AOC was quick to play the victim card, claiming that conservatives were distorting her voice and attacking her heritage. She insisted that she’s just a product of the Bronx, where she grew up—conveniently omitting her years in upscale Westchester County. But this is AOC we’re talking about, so why let facts get in the way of a good story?

Her speech at the convention was more establishment-friendly than her usual radical garbage, which didn’t go unnoticed by her critics. In contrast to her previous stunts, this performance seemed carefully crafted to align with the Democratic Party’s mainstream message—right down to the fake accent.

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