Backfire: Tim Walz Pretends to Buy Donuts from Shop That He Permanently Closed

The media made a big deal out of JD Vance buying donuts during a campaign stop in Georgia a few days ago. Not to be outdone, ace political expert Tim Walz—who is totally not weird—decided to prove to the world that he can buy donuts too. Take that, JD Vance! Wait, what was the purpose of this plan? Oh, well. It doesn’t matter because Tim Walz managed to “eff” the whole thing up anyway.

We’re not even sure what the media’s point was in making a big deal out of JD Vance buying donuts. Maybe they were implying that he’s kinda fat. He is a little on the tubby side, but conservatives could care less because they appreciate JD’s substantive policy positions.

It’s not as if the Harris-Walz campaign has any policies to brag about, so they’re reduced to cheap stunts like this one. The plan was for Tim Walz to buy some donuts to prove that he could buy donuts too. (We’re not experts, but… this still doesn’t seem like a good plan.)

Walz enlisted the help of Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) for this brilliant plan. They posted a picture of themselves on Twitter/X with a box of donuts, as they posed in front of the sign for Daube’s Bakery in Rochester, MN.

We’re not sure where they got the donuts from, but it wasn’t Daube’s. The iconic donut shop and bakery had been a fixture in Rochester for more than 30 years. Right up until it was forced to permanently close its doors in 2020 because of Tim Walz’s draconian COVID lockdowns.

The unintentional comedy and missteps of the Harris-Walz campaign just keep getting better by the day!



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