Biden’s Voter Drive is a Felon Recruitment Program

Anton Watman /
Anton Watman /

It seems the Biden administration has taken another swing at manipulating the democratic process, and this time, it’s happening in Alabama’s federal prisons. According to Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) is engaged in an “illegal” operation to register federal prisoners to vote in the state. You know, because nothing screams “free and fair elections” like having criminals potentially sway the outcome.

Allen’s concerns stem from President Joe Biden’s 2021 executive order, which, in his words, aims to “mobilize and weaponize the entire federal government” to target primarily Democrat-leaning voter groups. Now, why on earth would a sitting president be so interested in making sure felons and non-citizens get registered to vote? Oh, right, because they’re more likely to vote Democrat.

The program has already earned the nickname “Bidenbucks,” a nod to the infamous “Zuckbucks” from the 2020 election. Remember that fiasco? Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s money was all over third-party get-out-the-vote efforts, which just so happened to target likely Democrat voters. Now it seems Biden wants a piece of that action, using the full weight of the federal government to assist left-wing groups in registering voters.

Allen didn’t take this lying down. He contacted the White House earlier this year, asking for details on how this federal program was implemented in Alabama. And lo and behold, the administration “confirmed” that a liberal third-party organization had been deployed to help register federal prisoners in Alabama.

Allen’s office has sent letters to both the third-party group and the BOP demanding answers on how they are ensuring that only eligible U.S. citizens are being registered to vote. And, surprise, surprise—his efforts to get information and ensure that only eligible U.S. citizens and Alabama residents are being registered have “fallen on deaf ears.” If that doesn’t scream transparency, I don’t know what does.

Allen also questioned the White House about using taxpayer dollars to fund this “illegal effort.” Still, those questions have gone “unanswered.” I guess accountability isn’t high on the Biden administration’s to-do list.

Meanwhile, the media reached out to the BOP, asking how it is helping register prisoners to vote, which third-party groups it is partnering with, and how it can guarantee that federal prisoners are eligible to vote. In typical bureaucratic fashion, BOP Spokesman Donald Murphy responded with a vague statement, saying the agency has given “general information on voting” privileges to “all individuals in its custody” since at least August 2020.

Murphy said voter registration education is a “valuable exercise of American democracy” and an “important facet of successful reentry into the community.” Yeah, because the first thing on every felon’s mind when they get out of prison is casting a ballot.

But here’s where things get even more suspicious. Before the official response, Benjamin O’Cone from the BOP accidentally sent the media an email that was meant for internal eyes only. The email included a question from the Department of Justice asking if it was accurate to say that the BOP is working with third-party groups or if those groups are just doing their work at BOP facilities without any help from the agency. O’Cone later said the email was “not meant” for the media. You know, because the government’s dealings are always on the up-and-up.

Despite all the stonewalling, Allen remains undeterred. He’s still “exploring options” to stop the federal government’s efforts to register prisoners in Alabama facilities. “I am dedicated to ensuring fair, secure, and transparent elections,” Allen said. “Nobody, not even the Biden-Harris Administration, will get me to back down from that.”

And let’s not forget, this isn’t just an Alabama problem. The federal government has been pulling a similar stunt in Mississippi, where U.S. Marshals have been helping prisoners register to vote under the “Bidenbucks” order.

Allen’s office recently found 3,000 potential non-citizens on Alabama’s voter rolls. This discovery should alarm every law-abiding citizen in the state. His communications director, Laney Rawls, pointed out that the federal government “limits” states’ ability to require proof of citizenship to vote. But Allen is fighting back, instructing local boards to demand an Alabama driver’s license number, non-driver ID, or Social Security number for voter registration.

Ultimately, this entire situation reeks of the Biden administration’s desperate attempts to stack the deck in their favor. They’re going after every possible voting bloc, even if it means bending or outright breaking the rules. But as Allen has shown, some are still willing to stand up for the integrity of our elections. And that, my friends, is something we should all be grateful for.

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