Another ‘Pride’ Charity Founder Busted for Horrifying Crimes Against Children

Melnikov Dmitriy /
Melnikov Dmitriy /

Surrey, a county south of London in the UK, is reeling after two prominent LGBT activists were arrested on dozens of charges of sex crimes against children. We’re not sure why anyone is shocked. The two men are involved with a prominent ‘Pride’ group that gives gay sex workshops in elementary schools. It’s not as if there weren’t any clues! You can already predict what’s going to happen next. The usual suspects will tell us that it’s just a few bad apples in the LGBT community, and don’t you dare call them groomers!

40-year-old Steven Ireland and 26-year-old David Sutton have been arrested for a total of 37 sex crimes against children. Ireland is the founder of an LGBT activist charity called ‘Pride in Surrey.’ Sutton was a volunteer for the charity group.

Ireland is a big fan of grooming children through school workshops that the parents usually don’t know anything about. He was a patron of another LGBT charity called ‘Educate and Celebrate,’ and participated in gay sex workshops for elementary kids on behalf of the group. One of those workshops was called, “How to break the binary and be gender inclusive.” Because that’s obviously relevant to 5-year-olds.

The Educate and Celebrate group gained notoriety in 2022 when one of its patrons, transgender activist Jordan Gray, stripped naked during a live broadcast on Channel 4 in London. He then pretended to play the piano with his penis. Gray says that he loves going to elementary schools on behalf of Educate and Celebrate and discussing sex topics with little kids.

“Toddlers kind of get it straight away,” Gray adds.

Steven Ireland and David Sutton have been charged with 37 horrifying crimes against children. The charges include six counts of conspiracy to rape a child, conspiracy to kidnap a child, voyeurism, and arranging the commission of a child sex crime.

Ireland faces 22 more charges, including the anal rape of a boy under the age of 13, sexual assault, making indecent pictures of children, and possession of extreme child porn images. Sutton is charged with an additional seven crimes, including producing and distributing child porn.

These are the types of people who are always trying to worm their way into schools so they can talk to little kids about deviant sex. They might even appear charming and friendly on the exterior. The reality is a horror show that does incalculable damage to the children they victimize. Little children never truly recover from sexual abuse during their formative years.

These arrests are just the latest ones of prominent LGBT activists who have been caught molesting young children.

Last November, LGBT activist and former CNN managing editor Slade Sohmer was arrested for possessing and distributing child porn. Sohmer volunteered every year at a summer camp called ‘Camp Power.’ It’s a camp for boys in grades 5 through 11. Sohmer called that the “best week of the year every year.”

Before that, Sean Gravells was arrested in British Columbia for sexual exploitation, possession of child porn, and importing and distributing child porn. Gravells is the board president of the North Peace Pride Society, and you can guess what that group likes to do in its free time in public schools.

This doesn’t even include all the gay Disney and Nickelodeon employees who produce children’s programming that have been busted for similar crimes in recent years. If only there were some sort of pattern to all these molestations!

Why are these people always trying to gain access to kids through schools, summer camps, and children’s television programs? To ask the question is to answer it. Predators always go where their prey is.

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